Go Nuts for Nuts

Benefits of Eating Nuts Everyday

Nuts are considered very healthy and a great source of plant based proteins. High in protein, fiber and fats, have numerous and impressive health benefits if consumed daily as a part of a balanced diet. Research shows that raw and unsalted nuts are one of the best known food that can be added to our daily diet as they contain unsaturated fatty acids and other vital nutrients. They also make for a great snack food – inexpensive, easy to store and easy to carry on the go.

Some nutty fast facts:

  • Nuts are known to reduce factors that cause cancer.
  • Nuts are enriched with anti-viral properties.
  • It is helpful in controlling blood pressure and maintain elasticity of the arteries.
  • Are highly beneficial for overall health, particularly for our heart.
  • Are rich in calories and fats.

A bowl filled with mixed nuts

There are variety of nuts and each has its own resource of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, and it is thereby important to get to know what, which and how much to incorporate these nuts in our diets.

Health Benefits of having nuts daily

  1. Good for heart: Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in nuts are responsible for lowering LDL cholesterol levels. LDL are considered as bad cholesterol that develops as plaque on the artery walls, narrowing the arteries and blood vessels and thus resulting in high blood pressure. Nuts also are rich in fibers which lowers cholesterol and thereby, the risks of high blood pressure, heart diseases and stroke.
  2. Helpful against diabetes: Diabetics have higher triglyceride levels, and nuts naturally help in lowering these levels, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes. Nuts also are fruitful in stabilizing blood sugar levels due to the hormone adiponectin. This hormone is responsible for absorbing excess sugar from the bloodstream so that it can never get too high.
  3. Aids in weight loss: Nuts are a great food that keeps us fuller for a longer time frame and reduces food cravings. When substitute for meat and milk being high in protein and calcium controls those extra kilos that meat and milk adds due their high amounts of saturated fats. The high dietary fiber contents of nuts keeps our digestive track clean and boosts energy for more work out.
  4. Improves memory: The anti-oxidants found in nuts helps remove the toxins and heavy metals that clog our brain and improves memory and concentration.
  5. Fights cancer: Due to presence of toxins in our body the cells starts dividing unnaturally causing cancer. The anti-oxidant properties of nuts helps to get rid of body toxins and let the cells remain healthy, hereby, reduce the risks of cancer development.


Source: Ms. Sheela Seharwat, Dietitian. She is one of the youngest successful entrepreneur of India, and founder and head mentor of Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt. Ltd.

Image Source: BBC Good Food

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